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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

Bamako 2011 –JR: Artocratie

Héla Ammar, Sophia Baraket,Wissal Dargueche, Rania Dourai, Hichem Driss, AzizTnani Artocratie en Tunisie, the first of JR’s Inside Out projects, was instigated by Slim Zeghal and Marco Berrebi.…

Bamako 2011 –Upekkha

We have great myths about our Egyptian army. One could write a whole mythology book. I often watch my children playing with Amazonian military characters on their PS3, and grow…

Valerie Schmidt

The images are constructions of theatricality and outline the affective logic of dramatic emotion. The isolation of the emotional state of emergency is a constant stylistic device of the photographs…

Naama Sarid

Naama Sarid [Tel Aviv, Israel, 1977] Architect. She began an intense career as a documentary and conceptual photographer in Madrid (2008). Had worked as a photographer in the Spanish magazine…


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