Factice Magazine is an online and paper fashion magazine devoted to photography. The magazine and accompanying website www.facticemagazine.com are published in French and English. Created in February 2011 by French…
Author L'Œil de la Photographie
We have published Taryn Simon several times in our editions of October 27th 2011 and May 7th 2012. Her first exhibition in France, in Paris begins tonight (5.30pm - 8.30pm)…
While working in the archives of photographer Augusti Centelles, Joaquin D. Gasca, the curator of the exhibition Oh Centelles in-edit! and his team of researchers discovered two never-before-seen portraits of…
Christopher Anderson arrived in Sete during a Saint Louis celebration evening. He immediately mingled amongst the jousters, became one of them, became a “Knight of the Tintaine”. He took part…
Both photographers are Italians. They have operated as a unique photographic duo since their first Moscow adventure, in 1991. Alessandro Albert lives in Turin where he teaches in an Art…
Tom Wood, who was born in Ireland, has lived for a long time in Liverpool where he « photographed life ». He photographs people : foreigners, friends, family; those people…
Jules-Édouard Moustic is the Groland Présipauty Television News lead-presenter, and he is also keen on photography. We shall take the opportunity provided by the celebration of Groland’s twentieth anniversary at…
Daniel Van Reybrouck best describes Stephan Vanfleteren in his foreword to Belgicum, the magnificent book dedicated to the “flat country” : « To show what is beyond words. To look…
Since its creation in December, 2007, the Gilles Caron foundation has revealed all the facets of the esthetic, journalistic or intimate work of this committed man, who is an absolute…