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Author L'Œil de la Photographie

New York

The New York Chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP NY) is hosting its free Ninth Annual Fine Art Portfolio Review on the evening of February 18th, just for its members. The…

Christophe Jacrot

Snow represents a return to childhood, a magical and poetic time. But today the climate is frightening. But we are in some ways a part of it, as Japanese prints…

Dana de Luca

The series combines self-portraits and single images that form part of my visual archive. Images that, decontextualized from their origin, find their context in a new horizon and thus generating…

Jocelyn Trembleau

With a frank sensitivity and realism, Jocelyn Trembleau shows us the last vestiges of the long story of farmers on the land of his ancestors, in the Pays de Serres,…

Klaus Mellenthin

Being a dandy is not just about how one dresses – but how conducts oneself in every dealings with people from all walks of life and what they do such…

Panayis Chrysovergis

Heterotopia, The Place where, according to Michel Foucault, the imaginary becomes substantial. In brothels, I enter into the heterotopia sexual exploration and liberation. There, condemned sexuality is protected and hidden,…


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