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Author Jean-Jacques NAUDET

The RATP and Photography

“The RATP likes photography because it’s a current and accessible artform,” wrote RATP president Pierre Mongin last October. The RATP is a state-owned public transportation operator with its headquarters in…

A Promising Summer

A visit this Friday to Tours for the Pierre de Fenoyl exhibition. Memories, nostalgia, and the discovery that Pierre was a great photographer. Before this we had only seen a…

Tribute to Pierre de Fenoÿl

Iconographer, curator, art buyer, founder of the Galerie Rencontre and the Agence Vu (now Viva), Pierre de Fenoÿl was appointed, in 1976, the first director of France’s National Photography Foundation,…

Photo London, a great success

From Gare du Nord we could already feel the success. A third of the Eurostar passengers at 9:10 that Wednesday were photo world professionals. The atmosphere was friendly, fun and…

Paris Photo Los Angeles 2015

At 7:00 PM Pacific Time, the third edition of Paris Photo Los Angeles opened in Paramount Studios. Seventy-nine galleries from nineteen countries were on hand. We'll be covering the festival today and tomorrow.…


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