In this exhibition, Christine Delory-Momberger resumes her excavation work carried out throughout her photographic work. A search that never stops. Always the way goes, and always it brings her back to this land of beginnings. A secret land, veiled in the mists of oblivion and sealed with the silence of her family’s exiles. A place out of time, a place of separation where images emerge, captured in the fleetingness of their passage. Faces appear, bodies appear, memories emerge. And she always returns to this land swirled with reminiscences which inhabits her and shows her the way.
Exile, a cut in the flesh of the intimate, sealing the alliance with a routed world, is an often forced mode of existence but it becomes a living force of knowledge and transformation in a common resistance.
Christine Delory-Momberger is an academic and photographer author. Her photographic work is part of the new writings of documentary photography. She works on the forms of identity taken by figures of the self constructed in their relationship to intimacy, memory, personal and collective history. Poetic texts blend with images in his photographic series, creating a hybrid space of creation.
Christine Delory-Momberger : L’Entaille de l’Éxil
January 21 – February 6, 2021
Vernissage and signatures
Thursday January 21, 2021, from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Atelier Galerie Taylor
7 rue Taylor 75010 Paris
06 61 31 24 48
Tuesday to Saturday, 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.