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Astrid Yurdsever


Fall in Alto Braco

This “high place” is Aubrac, a vast granite and basalt plateau straddling the departments of Lozère, Aveyron and Cantal. It is a beautiful wild land swept by rain and winds. In this season the sky touches the plateaus populated by peaceful animals and the horizon does not end. The climate is harsh. The autumn light is beautiful and constantly varies in intensity. The place seems hostile but so captivating. It is the perfect harmony between man and nature. The water has imposed itself on the meadows dotted with granite rocks fallen by chance and scattered here and there. I have the feeling that here man is of little importance and that this generous nature dictates its law. He is forced to live according to time and the seasons. Between beliefs and legends, this land appreciated by hikers, is inhabited by the Way of Saint James. I traveled part of the Urban V path starting from Nasbinals and this peaceful spectacle far from the tumult of the world fascinated me.

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