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Artbook | D.A.P : Eugene Richards : Remembrance Garden


Artbook | D.A.P.’s presents Remembrance Garden, photographer Eugene Richards’ exquisite portrait of this much-loved New York landmark.

Richards, whose insightful photographs have charted the human condition in America and abroad for over 40 years, photographed the cemetery over the course of 3 years and nearly 100 visits, capturing poetic details and grand vistas in rich color, across all seasons.

Founded in 1837 and proclaimed a National Historic Landmark in 2006, the 487-acre burial ground and arboretum is the final resting place of more than half a million people. Interspersing his images with names and dates inscribed on grave markers as well as his own deeply personal memories, Richards creates a moving portrait of the legendary cemetery, of New York and its people, and of the mediation between man and nature, life and death.

The recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Robert F. Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Journalism Award and the Kraszna-Krausz Book Award for Photographic Innovation, Richards (born 1944) is the author of 17 photographic and textual books.


Eugene Richards : Remembrance Garden
Clth, 9.75 x 11.5 in. / 152 pgs / 80 color.
ISBN 9781636811130
$55.00 CDN $79.00 GBP £48.00

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