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Art Elysées Paris Art Fair 2012 : GadCollection


On the occasion of the Art Elysées Paris Art Fair 2012, the Galerie GadCollection is presenting Storms and Landscapes by Mitch Dobrowner. This is how he introduces his work:

Landscapes are living ecosystems and environments. They have existed well before, and will hopefully be here way beyond the time we are here. When taking photographs, time and space seem hard for me to measure. Whenever I shoot a ‘quality’ image, I know it. At those moments things are quiet, seem simple again – and I obtain a respect and reverence for the world that is hard to communicate through words. For me these moments happen when the exterior environment and my interior world combine. Hopefully the images presented help communicate how I feel and what I see during those times.

Growing up on Long Island (Bethpage), NY – I felt lost in my late teens. Worried about my future direction in life, my father gave me an old Argus rangefinder to fool around with. Little did he realize what an important gesture that would turn out to be for me. After doing some research and seeing the images of Minor White and Ansel Adams I quickly became addicted to photography.

To make a long story short, I left home at 21, quitting my job, leaving my friends and family to see the American Southwest for myself. In California I eventually met my wife, and together we had 3 children, and created our own design studio – and the tasks of running a business and raising a family took a priority to Photography. During that time I stopped taking pictures. Years later, in early 2005, inspired by my wife, children and friends – I again picked up my cameras. Today I see myself on a passionate mission to make up for years of lost time – creating images that help evoke how I see our wonderful planet.

I feel that I owe much to the great photographers of the past, especially Ansel Adams, for their dedication to the craft and for inspiring me in my late teens. Though I have never met them, their inspiration helped me determine the course my life would take.

Storms and Landscapes , Mitch Dobrowner
Art Elysées Paris Art Fair 2012
October 18 – 22, 2012
Avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris – France
11h00 – 19h30

5 rue des sablons
75116 Paris
T : +33 (0)1 77 32 41 53

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