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Rencontres d’Arles 2024 : Editorial


The Rencontres d’Arles will open in 8 days: it is one of the most important photographic festival in the world.
The program is promising and brings together all branches of photography.
It is interesting to see what will come out of it at a time when photography enters the unknown.
Photography magazines are moribund, including the major fashion or news titles which lose a reader with every single death from old age.
Galleries are running out of steam and well known galleries are closing: Baudoin Lebon in Paris, Vrais Rêves in Lyon as well as Galerie 127 in Marrakech.
And the ultimate scourge: artificial intelligence, will put entire sections of photography and legions of photographers on the street.
Without forgetting the absolute death of photographic truth, the one that allowed Barthes to write: “It is photography which is the collective memory of the world.”
The lack of money killed the Off in Arles, helped by social networks, hellish virtual paradises.
But paradoxically money, perhaps, will save the Rencontres d’Arles.
Patrons, foundations and sponsors are increasingly fond of still image.
Some of the most beautiful exhibitions today come from the private sector: H.C.B at Leclerc in Sarthe, Friedlander at Maja Hoffmann in Arles, Arnault, Pinault, Château Lacoste, Château Palmer, Carmignac, agnès b. …! Everyone falls into photography.
The worst is not always certain!

Jean-Jacques Naudet


Rencontres d’Arles
Opening week
1 > 7 July, 2024
July 1 > 19 September, 2024

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