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Arles 2023 : Le Bal des Rejetons : A Photographic Journey in France


Le Bal des Rejetons is the story of a rejection transformed into a joyful dance…

Le Bal des Rejetons, thirty photographers who spontaneously came together following a negative response from the BNF* call for projects. Thirty photographers who did not know each other but who decided to unite to go through with their projects in spite everything. Thirty photographers who have chosen to produce the documentary subject that is close to their hearts by sometimes reducing the scope of the project, freeing up time in their professional lives and dipping into their savings. Their individual motivations were nourished by the benevolence of the group and the collective made possible what had been officially decreed impossible.

Le Bal des Rejetons are screenings and traveling exhibitions all summer long in the towns and villages of France and in certain photographic festivals (Blois, Uzès, Arles, Pierrevert, etc.). With a documentary background, a palette of photographic writings is at work, from photojournalism to an art approach.

Le Bal des rejectons are meetings with the public, moments of exchange and sharing around photography. The collective is part of a logic of transmission and offers photographic and image education workshops to better understand today’s world.

Le Bal des Rejetons is also a book, A Photographic Journey in France, which will be released in July by Éditions de Juillet. Thirty unique looks explore the territory and tell the story of those who live there, through a multitude of subjects. From college to old people homes, from winegrowers to nuclear power plants, from survival to rebirth and self-transcendence, from confinement to freedom, from the intimate to the universal, these stories cross communities and criss-cross France and the Overseas Territories.


*The large photographic commission from the BNF, Radioscopie de la France: views on a country affected by the health crisis, provided 200 photographers with the assistance of €22,000.


Arles from 6 to 9 July 2023


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