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Arles 2022 : FOTOHAUS : Laurent Laborie : Bientôt nous danserons


“The series Bientôt nous danserons (Soon we’ll dance) was conceived and produced during the second lockdown. Like many, we view partying as a cultural and social value. Like many, we want it to last. Through these photographs, we navigate through this very special parenthesis of silence, pause, pleasure, desire and anticipation of celebrations, to remember that they are essential to our lives as social beings. The series presents a selection of images, of cut-out portraits, of unidentified characters. Those moments of pleasure, of partying, of landscapes caught unaware at dawn, or of anonymous flowers and enigmatic plants. It is a crossing, from hills to shoulders, revealing the living moment of an era eager to give back to the imaginary the care of recomposing the off-frame…”.

Laurent Laborie is passionate about cinema and images and has been photographing parties on the fly for the past fifteen years. For him, parties are scenes of social life in which celebrity and anonymity play out, just like his faceless portraits. Photographer, journalist, curator, communication consultant, Laurent Laborie has been working for the press and the cultural world for over twenty years.

Extract from the series Bientôt nous danserons. Project initiated by ARTE. With the support of the weekly magazine Le 1.

Prints made by Gérard Issert. Book published by Granon édition, with a text by Emmanuelle Lallement, anthropologist of the contemporary world. Design. Cyril Cabry / Le Magnifique Studio. Laurent Laborie’s work has been published in Le 1, l’Obs and It was exhibited at ARTE (March) and FOTOHAUS Bordeaux 2022 (April).


July 4 to September 25, 2022
18, rue de la Calade, 13200 Arles

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