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Arles 2019 : Levallois Award, 10 years !


This exhibition celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Levallois Award was presented at the École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie, 16 rue des Arènes, from July 1 to 7, 2019, highlighting the laureates of the first decade.

It was designed from the collection of photographs built up over the years. The diversity of the approaches, as much by the plastic treatment as in the choice of the subjects, highlighted the abundance and the opening of the proposals that the contemporary photography sweeps.

The prints on display were those that make up the collection of the Levallois Award, they were produced under the control of the authors and, in fact, give a perfect image of their commitment and their artistic bias. The prints of Pierre-Elie de Pibrac, who have just joined the collection, were also shown, as well as a preview, of the photographs of the winner 2019.

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