The Galerie Joseph Antonin presents Résistance. The exhibition brings together the work of four artists who use the body and nudity as means of expression and elevation leading toward a sacred space. The recurring theme of the show is resistance. The works come together—complementing and contrasting with each other—to create a new field, a consensual, radical and troubling unity.
Sarah Carp: Donneuse Apparentée
This first series shows the relationship of a brother and sister, fighting against illness and the inevitable, before finally accepting the concept of grieving and deliverance. Through her rare and sensitive documentary approach, the photographer examines the question of connection and sharing.
Between empathy and distance, between gift and resistance, this young Swiss photographer brings us into an intimate and complex process: the passage from the living to the permanence of memory, the private to the public, the personal to the universal. In this uninterrupted link between sister and brother, we see the filiation of the image that suddenly makes sense. In this field where love and suffering meet, we find the metaphysical and religious relevance of photography.
Philippe Dollo: L’île-Dollo
L’île Dollo provides a summary of the field of sensitive vibrations making up the baroque part of photography, releasing its vertiginous and secret aspect.
Marked by cinema and the beauty of a language that addresses itself to the conscious and visible part, creator of a universe where the signs break through to the real in its purest state, Philippe Dollo, a French photographer living in Prague, delivers the key to a demanding artistic vision that refers back to the imaginary and the unfathomable mystery of childhood.
Resistance, this time, in the realm of the surface, in the permeability of the sensible, in the capturing of phenomena, in the revelation of a logic where sensation is guided by the poetic acuity of dreams.
Anna Chrysidi
A Greek photographer, Anna Chrysidi approaches the subject of loneliness and old age. We wanted to pay tribute to current events in Greece: her rugged and independent work expresses the necessity of the poetic and human connection.
Anna Chrysidi – Sarah Carp – Philippe Dollo
From July 4th to September 1st, 2012
Galerie Joseph Antonin
40, rue Emile Barrère
13200 Arles