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Arbres Divers en Hiver en Aubrac by Maurice Subervie


Maurice Subervie is one of these great, very discreet photographers; but, of such efficiency and competence that everything would collapse, if they were withdrawn.

Constructed images, measured lights, subtle renderings that take us elsewhere to magical places and forgotten atmospheres.

Maurice has always been a little genius of the postcard, not the documentary card, no, the missive which conveys something more emotional to the recipient of the image. Another vision of remembrance: I have not forgotten you and remember.

As true landscape photographers know, all shots in snowy weather require rigorous and delicate management of nuance. This series of photographs, very distinctive and of high technical quality, fully justifies being assembled in a small, very well produced booklet.

A well-adapted format, gigantism is not necessary to take pleasure in the photographs.

Thierry Maindrault


the booklet is available
48 pages
35 color, black and white photographs
dimensions 18 x 13 cm Italian style
binding, with flaps, matt coated
ISBN 979-10-415-1274-4
12.00 euros + shipping costs

purchase bookstore La Maison du Livre

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