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Antoine Lecharny – Like a Lego


From May 4th to May 26th will be held the 19th Boutographies, the photographic meetings of Montpellier. About fifty exhibitions will be presented. Our favorite: Antoine Lecharny, a trained industrial designer. “Like a Lego” is his first exhibition in a festival. He presents it as follows:

In As a Lego I photograph people where they are not. I strip the world around them of its landmarks, eclipses the details of places, which say too much, to better re-invent a story. I straighten up their silhouette, draw a shadow, a bundle of wood on the shoulder, a rope to pull, a pole against which to lean, a walking companion or a grave on which one can meditate … These people become the characters of an imaginary life scene. We can no longer distinguish, in the end, what has been recorded from what has been changed, the original shooting from the final image. The treatment confuses the drawing and the photographic image on the same plane.

Unconsciously first, I made all these moments scenes of loneliness, dejection or toil. Perhaps it is because the world around the characters disappears as when we are overwhelmed by a strong feeling or hard work. Still, in this work, photographing is only a pretext for recomposing, through the drawing, staged moments immersed in the darkness and grain of a “great nowhere land”. .




Antoine Lecharny – Comme un Lego
Le Pavillon Populaire
Les Boutographies
Esplanade Charles de Gaulle
34000 Montpellier

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