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André Frère Éditions : Nicolas Comment : Blue movie


André Frère Éditions presents Blue movie, a book by Nicolas Comment. He is also the author of this text:

A singer is gone, a little girl grows up.
Society withdraws. Space recedes. The whole world has recoiled.
These are the “lost years” and travel permits.
The day after Christophe died, Audrey called me:
Tomorrow, we are leaving Paris and our cramped apartments.
In Saint-Tropez, life itself seems to have ebbed away, like the waves.
All the bars are shut.
A small pack of artists takes over an abandoned house.
Girlfriends meet up on the beach.
The little blue pennant of freedom still flutters over the sea.
Mental blue…
One night in July, on a chalk-white path in L’Estagnet that runs along Canoubiers beach,
a dark shape obstructs my path near La Madrague, B.B.’s famed residence.
It’s pitch black; the wind has abruptly picked up, the palm fronds whip the sky
as though they were clawing at it. Their rustling sounds like the flapping of potent wings overhead.
Onyx eyes lock onto me on the path.
I’m without a camera, armed only with a cell phone to light my way in the dark.
I switch it off, aiming not to frighten the creature.
A stoic boar stands firmly before me. Shadow facing shadow, black on black.
Hunters’ tales from childhood spring to mind, and I retreat slowly. The creature doesn’t budge.
Sidestepping, I press into a thicket of reeds to hide,
and gaze at the suddenly tumultuous sea.
The wind ruffles my hair, the dark night is bleached by the frothy waves’ milky foam.
Far off, lights from the “little house” shimmer across the sea.
Friends expect me for dinner.
I take a deep breath of the iodized air and set off on my way.
Before the gate to the house of “the most beautiful woman in the world,”
the coastal path is like quicksilver in the moonlight:
The boar has vanished. The Lone Beast is gone.
Have we dreamed our lives? Have we lived in a dream?
The Fauvists’ dream of an arcadian Golden Age?
Captured in the spirit of La naissance du jour and beneath the “yellow zeppelin” of Matisse’s painting
Luxe, calme et volupté, these photographs are to me like still frames from an unmade film.
Blue movie: a film of our life as dreamed.
A Dream-Movie.

Nicolas Comment


Nicolas Comment : Blue movie
André Frère Éditions
152 pages
16 x 22 cm
Swiss binded
134 colour photographs
ISBN: 978-2-492696-20-6

Until July 13, 2024
Galerie Polka 
Cour de Venise, 12 Rue Saint-Gilles
75003 Paris, France

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