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André Frère Éditions : Linda Tuloup : Brûlure


Linda Tuloup : Pyromania of nudity by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret

At the crossroads of the ephemeral and the timeless, Linda Tuloup never stops playing with fire.
From this game is born an oeuvre in which the expression of randomness is a provoked physical process.

Linda Tuloup has for years been developing this technique of burning into a dynamic element of deconstruct and reconstruct photographs or reproductions of old master canvases into a cavalier transposition of an original trace.

The process of burning and erosion is thus highlighted, proving that creative emergence, has no end but that art always looks ahead.

Such imprints retain an ambivalent character and take on the symbolism of the burned. For Linda Tuloup the latter is first of all synonymous with a creative force in the same way as the seed or pollen of flowers while alluding to the dust of death and disappearance.

The black appearance of combustion sometimes responds to the nocturnal appearance of night photos. It evokes the darkness of origins, the great abyssal night even the sexual night. But it embodies just as much the fertile earth, the receptacle which prepares the seeds of life even in the ashes.
A restoration springs forth through the burning of an unpredictable light that the creator does not even suspect.
Through the hole that the fire made, a liberation occurs.

Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret


Linda Tuloup, Brûlure, André Frère Éditions, 2024, 224 pages, €49.
Text Colin Lemoine, Design Ruedi Baur
Pre-sale at a preferential price on the website

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