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André Bogaert


London Moments

OK it’s my home town so I admit bias but as a people photographer I find it hard to find a city better for subjects, locations and situations to capture the moment.

I never get tired of walking the streets of this city watching, trying to anticipate a special moment or facial expression and capturing it, a moment which will probably never happen just the same way ever again.

I see the stories I capture in black and white. Nowadays I photograph almost exclusively with a digital camera so yes the images are in colour both in front of me as I take them and also when I first look at them as RAW files on my computer back home but in my head I see my work as very contrasty black and white moments frozen in time and that’s how I like to present my work.

All these photos were taken in Central London.

André Bogaert  

Contact: & [email protected]

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