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Anastasia Photo Gallery : Steven Edson


Jusqu’au 7 février 2025, Anastasia Photo Gallery présente une exposition de Steven Edson. Le photographe en parle ainsi :

In my photography, I describe the complexity and vastness of people, land, and objects within constantly changing conditions. For these brief moments, time stands still for eternity. The photograph, constrained within the edges of the frame, offers the viewer the ability to explore and make sense of our shared sense of place from my very specific point of view. My curiosity about context and narratives being true and fabricated simultaneously has inspired me to continue exploring within what I refer to as “street photography”. I never know what to expect, so it leaves room for the unexpected to occur while creating a story about the activities people engage in. Created between the decades of the 1980s through 2000, these photographs illustrate my love of observation, perspective and at times, the whimsical humor that these moments offered.

Steven Edson


Steven Edson
Jusqu’au 7 février 2025
Anastasia Photo Gallery

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