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Alex Villaluz, Alexandra Groover, Maria Lizuro : The Delirious Dissidents


The exhibition is titled The Delirious Dissidents.
There are 3 of them. Alex Villaluz the photographer and his 2 stylists Alexandra Groover and Maria Lizuro.
They wanted at all costs to show themselves during Paris Photo.
They found a place; 17 Rue Chapon 75003 Paris.
They present their work like this:

A collective of creative misfits comes together to tell their uncompromising story of never quite fitting in, but nonetheless forging ahead with their eccentric vision, luring us down the rabbit hole and into their dark, yet playful surrealistic utopia.

Speaking about the series, Villaluz said,” I wanted to create images that did not promote the fashion industry’s beauty standards, industry norms around the sexualization of images or celebrity culture. Instead, I sought to create images that manifest emotions and evoke feelings through colour, composition and light.”


Delirious Dissidents
Photography by Alex Villaluz
Clothing by Alexandra Groover + Maria Lizuro
Vernissage: 11 Nov 2023 (5pm – 8pm)
Exhibition: 11-13 Nov 2023
17 Rue Chapon 75003 Paris

Sat,11th Nov, 11am-4pm
Sun,12th Nov, 11am-8pm
Mon, 13th Nov, 10am – 1pm


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