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Alessio Antonini



The project Lost is an introspective narrative that investigates the multiple reflections of the mirror of the self. The self-portrait, a recurring theme in art history, is reinterpreted by the author in a contemporary key, highlighting the intimate and psychological dimension of self-perception. The image we have of ourselves is nothing more than the set of objective and subjective sensations that delineate our figure: the reflection in the mirror in fact, appears to us as the superimposition of the real image, the idealized image we have of ourselves and the image that others have of us.
The artist lays himself bare before the camera, becoming both an active and passive subject of his own investigation. The camera is the medium that breaks down the limen between inner and outer world, a world that expresses its drama and complexity through the juxtaposition of warm and cold tones, of ancient and modern, of past and present, of shadows and light. A coexistence of contradictions that reveals the richness of human beings, destined to lose and find themselves in a continuous cycle, where the photographer leaves only one clue: “In darkness, catch the light.”

Alessio Antonini

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