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AIPAD : The Photography Show 2022 : PGI


PGI, Tokyo, one of Japan’s longest operating photography galleries, will offer oscillating viewpoints on human experience focusing on environment, document, and the surreal. The artists on view range from modernists such as Yasuhiro Ishimoto and Kiyoji Otsuji; masters of the postwar generation including Tokuko Ushioda; and some of the most cutting-edge contemporary artists including Yuji Hamada; and young and emerging talents, such as Narumi Hiramoto, whose inquisitive mind has found a way to tap into the tactile origins of surrealism. With a fluency in both analogue and internet-based technologies, Hiramoto posts one new image on Instagram every day that takes its motif from the local newspaper of that day. All of Hiramoto’s prints from the series Good News are unique.

The Photography Show presented by AIPAD
May 20 – May 22, 2022
415 Fifth Avenue, between 37th and 38th Streets, New York City

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