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AIPAD 2015 : Catherine Edelman


Saturday at 10 AM. The numbers start coming in, and they look good. The galleries are smiling. The buyers, collectors and institutions came back. Catherine Edelman is happy. Three major fairs in a month: AIPAD yesterday, Paris Photo LA in two weeks, Photo London on May 21st, nothing seemed obvious. We know nothing yet about London, it remains to be seen. Everyone is curious, everyone will go. What was fascinating to see this week at AIPAD was the total dichotomy with Paris Photo, which is flamboyant, trendy, flashy, conceptual, visual art, contemporary art, glitter and fame. AIPAD is the opposite. It’s charming, a community of fans of traditional photography. It’s very convivial, everybody knows each other, it’s like a club and you have to be a member. The “Who’s Who” of photography are there, but no one else. Visual, conceptual and installation art are scarce. Here everybody is friendly, fun-loving and buying pictures. There’s a nostalgic charm to it and it’s a real success. Down the street from AIPAD on 59th street between Park and Lexington, at the Lighthouse, was New York Photo, all the more astonishing, like something between Montreuil and the Foire de Bièvres thirty years ago.

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