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Académie des Beaux-Arts : Election of Marie Robert as Correspondent of the Photography Section


The Académie des Beaux-Arts elected Marie Robert as correspondent of the Photography Section.

Marie Robert is the chief curator at the Musée d’Orsay, responsible for photography and cinema. A former student of the École Normale Supérieure, an associate professor of economic and social sciences and holder of a diploma of advanced studies in cinematographic studies, she was a curator at the Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires and then at the Médiathèque du Patrimoine et de la Photographie, where she headed the photography department, before joining the Musée d’Orsay in 2011.

Curator of around twenty photography exhibitions, including “Splendors and Miseries. Images of Prostitution, 1850-1910”, “Who’s Afraid of Women Photographers?” (2015), “Finally Cinema!” (2021), “A Model and Her Images. Lili Grenier’s Albums” (2023) and “Henri Rivière, The Man with the Camera” (2024), she has taught history of photography through the prism of gender and co-edited with Luce Lebart the book “A World History of Women Photographers” (Textuel, 2020).

In 2023, she was in residence at the Académie of France in Rome (Villa Medici) in order to build a collection of photographs intended to enrich the visual memory of the place and its inhabitants.

During this residency, she reflected on the sentimental uses of photography, piloted the online launch of the participatory digital platform “Album of the Villa”, and exhibited her collection of images and stories, entitled “Souviens-toi de moi”, in the form of an image wall then transformed into a very large format scrapbook.

She is an administrator of the French Society of Photography, the Jacques Henri Lartigue Donation, PhotoSaintGermain, and the Friends of Ithaca.

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