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A.galerie : Kyriakos Kaziras : Black & White


After his exhibition on felines (lions and cheetahs) last November, Kyriakos Kaziras returns with two series of new prints on the walls of A.galerie. This is how the gallery and the photographer present it.

“Black & White” is a double exhibition by the Greek artist, specialist in animal photography.

The gallery being made up of 2 rooms, we will have a “BLACK” room hosting the new photos of Black Panthers taken last July in Kenya while the other “WHITE” room will bring together unpublished prints of Polar Bears taken a year ago. year in Alaska and the Arctic Ocean. A powerful contrast between two monochrome animals, to be discovered until January 20th, 2024.

“Black and White, Africa and the Arctic, two universes that are completely opposed, but which photographically are inseparable.

The landscapes are grandiose, the wildlife is untamed, the lights are sometimes soft, sometimes intense. Man is an intruder.

For a photographer, the polar and African lights are magnificent, the foggy Arctic skies and soft clouds of Kenya can create soft, subdued light like in a studio. These are two superb areas of expression.

Black and White is not just black and white. All colors from red to blue to gold are found in shades of gray and white.

I work at the extremes of both spectrums, deep blacks and sparkling whites, without losing the detail of the black fur of the panther and the white hair of the polar bears in the print.

From shooting to developing the photographs, the work is ultimately very similar. The objective is the same to magnify nature and fauna, and to give emotions to those who contemplate the photograph. -Kyriakos Kaziras


Kyriakos Kaziras : Black & White
Until January 20, 2024
4 rue Léonce Reynaud
75116 Paris
IG : @agalerieparis

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