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34th international photojournalism festival, Visa pour l’image – Perpignan 2022


Yes, only one post on Visa pour l’Image, the Perpignan festival.
It is little, really very little especially at a time when photojournalism is weakening day by day for lack of means, audience and enthusiasm.
For all who loved; This long descent into indifference is heartbreaking.
Look at the archives of the Eye of Photography throughout this month of September which are dedicated to it, they are exceptionally open to all and free.
You will find some of its most beautiful moments there.
We would have gladly devoted the week of August 27 to September 3 to the festival. Unfortunately, the organizers limit to 3, the photos given per subject.
With 3 photos in a magazine: you make 3 doubles and a masterpiece. On a site, with 3 photos, you make shit.
There has never been so many photographers as there are today.
There has never been fewer photos shown.
What a huge mess!
But at least for us, the dinosaurs of this environment, we still have this magic formula: I remember!

Jean-Jacques Naudet


Front lines
The war in Ukraine seen from both sides by Ukrainian, Russian and American photographers and a young French photojournalist, Andrew Quilty continues his work on Afghanistan, a dive into the heart of the Burmese rebellion with Siegfried Modola, Goran Tomasevic , looks back on 30 years of photography between wars and peace…

Exhausted societies
Selene Magnolia presents a reportage made in Bulgaria, on the largest Roma community in Europe, Valerio Bispuri‘s work sheds light on the violence suffered by people with mental disorders in Africa, “Immediate solutions to our eternal problems”, the pills of happiness and the overmedication of our societies are pinned down by Arnaud Robert and Paolo Woods, Tamara Saade paints a portrait of her country Lebanon, out of breath…

The intimate experience
From the American Eugene Richards it is selected from his fifty years of photography,  Sabiha Cimen she is invited to plunge back into her childhood memories with the daily life of young girls in a Turkish Koranic school, and invited by Jean-Francois Leroy to celebrate fifty years of her career, Françoise Huguier presents at Visa pour l’image her first retrospective….

The environment
George Steinmetz is alarmed by the intensive exploitation of the oceans by fishing and overfishing around the world, Alain Ernoult warns of “the sixth extinction” when a million animal species are threatened, Brent Stirton returns to the trade in wild animals, Alexis Rosenfeld tells the story of the ocean with 1 Ocean, the great testimony on the ocean, an exploration project carried out with Unesco, ….
And then the political portraits made by Jean-Claude Coutausse for Le Monde, that of bush pilots in Alaska by Acacia Johnson, winner of the Canon Scholarship for Women Photojournalist 2021…


34th international photojournalism festival, Visa pour l’image – Perpignan 2022
– August 27 to September 11, 2022
– professional week from Monday August 29 to Saturday September 3, 2022.


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