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« 25 years stories », Canadian collective Stock in Argentina


Montreal-based collective Stock has teamed up with Argra, the Argentine association of visual reporters, to present their “25 ans d’histoires” (25 years of news stories) exhibition in Buenos Aires, with the goal of building bridges between Canada and Argentina.

The exhibition will run until 15 December 2015 at two different venues: the national space for memory and human rights and the Impa cultural centre, a recently-renovated former factory.

It is a far-reaching retrospective of events punctuating the history of Quebec and the rest of the world. The thirteen Stock photographers have covered numerous events over the last 25 years, from the first post-Duvalier elections in Haiti to the Oka crisis in Quebec,  including the referendum for Quebec’s independence, oil pollution in Kuwait and the Burman elections.

The Canadian collective’s first project with Argra dates back to 2013 with an exhibition on thirty years of democracy in Argentina, held in Montreal.

On the opening night, Argra’s president, Ezequiel Torres, emphasised the link between the building hosting one part of the exhibition and the collective’s images.

The national space for memory and human rights was opened in the building that once housed the ESMA, the national army’s school of mechanics. It later became the largest and most terrible site of detention, torture and execution of dissidents, and now stands as a symbol of the terror inflicted by the military dictatorship between 1976 and 1984. “The images from the Canadian collective are another way of preserving historical memory,” said Torres.

Four of the collective’s photographers were there : Jean-Francois Leblanc, Stock’s co-founder, Caroline Hayeur, Sophie Bertrand, and Argentinian Horacio Paone.

The exhibition ”Agence Stock Photo, 25 ans d’histoires” (25 years of news stories) was shown at the Zoom Photo Festival Saguenay, international meeting of photojournalism, in Chicoutimi and at the Maison de la culture du Plateau Mont-Royal in Montréal in 2012, before moving to the Rouyn-Noranda exhibition centre in 2013.

« 25 ans d’Histoires », Stock collective
From November 19th to December 15th, 2015
– Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos
Av. del libertador 8151, Buenos Aires
– Centro Cultural Impa La Fabrica
Calle Querandies 4290, Almagro, Buenos Aires

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