Love letters, spanning more than 30 years, between Georgia O’Keeffe & Alfred Stieglitz, is the subject of Together & Apart, a thought-provoking exhibition by abstract and experimental artist Grace Howl, running through January 13, 2017 at Alfstad & Contemporary in Sarasota, Florida.
Georgia O’Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz were two very important 20th century artists. Each created their own unique perspective on life, as a result changing the way we view and relate to art and photography today. Stieglitz as a publisher, renowned photographer and champion of Modern Art, advocated and succeeded in getting photography accepted as “art” in 1924. O’Keeffe was a teacher, feminist and first female American Abstract Artist who changed the way we view art, by the way she looked at art and the way she made her art. O’Keeffe married Stieglitz in 1924, but five years later she became restless and moved to New Mexico. She liked spending time alone. Over the years she developed a sense of adventure, traveling to Europe and throughout the United States.