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Strasbourg : Turbulent Transition, Photographic messages from Korea


2015-2016 is France-Korea Year and to coincide with this,the Théâtre Maillon and  La Chambre gallery in Strasbourg are putting on a major exhibition entitled Turbulent Transition. There are two chapters to the show and today the theatre is inaugurating the first instalment bringing together works by Sekwon Ahn, Ok Hyun Ahn, Taedong Kim Hanyong Kim, Ki-Chan Kim and Hein-Kuhn Oh on the themes of urbanisation and humankind’s place in society. La Chambre’s exhibition opens on 4 March. It features the photography of Hein-Kuhn Oh looking at the importance of social codes in Korea.

As Korean photography develops a much higher profile across the world, this exhibition spotlights the growth of a vibrant contemporary scene in Korea.
Korean photographers play an important role in developing a critical visual culture in their country, offering their interpretation of some major contemporary issues such as Korea’s recent rapid economic growth, its global impact and the ensuing shifts in culture. Their work depicts a diverse society in search of identity and takes a different look at the everyday, often tinged with irony and contradiction.

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