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London: Human Suffering at Time of Crisis at Debut Contemporary


Human Suffering at Time of Crisis is a group show at DEBUT CONTEMPORARY, Londres. It presents the works of five photographers: Sassan Behnam Bakhtiar, Frédéric Gédovius, Mary Osinibi, Liran Fisher, Chantal  Gillingham.

This is how the curator Barry Martin present the exhibition :

Many disasters afflict human life, causing misery, death, poverty, disbelief and force societies to collapse, implode and disintegrate. Some disasters are natural, most are man-made, and even ‘natural’ disasters in some circumstances can be found to have their origins in man’s activities. In all of these, man-made or not, human suffering is the result, and at the present time of writing this introduction, few parts of our world are free from the physical intensity and anguish of one disaster or another.
Those corners of the world not directly involved, will have countless numbers of their societies, families, friends, and contacts, who are, or who have suffered interminably from being in the disaster areas. Part of the reason for this escalation of world pain and pathos is that the ‘world has shrunk’, with the developments in travel, by road, sea, or air,
and the communications industry explosion in electronic and technological advances giving instantaneous connections to every last part of the world. We even communicate with robotic vehicles on the surface of Mars,
or exploratory missions ‘joyriding’ on the backs of comets and asteroids.
With the ‘shrinking world’ it defies belief, that the world religious leaders haven’t already combined to form one alliance, declaring that it is ALL of mankind that is the prime purpose of all religious belief, and mankind’s welfare that should be in the forefront of all thought and action. The same should be said of world governmental leaders who taking the example of the aforesaid world’s spiritual leaders, should combine to harness the treasures of the world and outer space for the purpose of the betterment of all mankind.

This exhibition to which artists from many varied countries and backgrounds have contributed, are their intense expressions of a failed world system that allows this continuous and unrelenting regime of murder, torture, starvation, intimidation, rape etc. to be part almost of everyday life, and is the result of a failure of World Leaders in both Government and Religion, IT SHOULDN’T BE!


Human Suffering at Time of Crises
October 2nd– Novemer 30th 2014
82 Westbourne Grove
Notting Hill
London W2 5RT
United Kingdom

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