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Visa pour l’Image 2020 / ESJ PRO : A photo under the public gaze of Visa # 3


And you, how do you understand this photo? Every day of the week, ESJ Pro students take to the streets to meet Visa pour Image festival-goers, asking for their reading of a photo. There is no right or wrong answer, only imagination matters. Third episode with a photo of Ronan Donovan, visible in the exhibition “Closer to wolves in the High Arctic”.

“It’s the law of nature, that’s pretty clear,” say categorically Alain and Michèle, Montpellierains who came especially for Visa pour Image. And they are not alone. Questioned on the fly, a dozen spectators share their opinion. “This photo clearly depicts the brutality of the animal world,” presumes Marc-Antoine, whose long connection between two trains allowed him, somewhat by chance, to discover the festival. A time of year that he finds “very nice”, by the way.

“Let mom eat!”

For other visitors to the photojournalism festival, the photo is less easy to decipher. “I think this is an educational scene. The mother teaches her little ones to take their turn. Let mom eat! »Attempts Maria, coming from Barcelona.

Another dominant aspect of these interpretations: violence, no matter who or what. “All fangs out, the wolf on the right is about to attack. It defends his food ”, laugh Pierrick and Marie, inhabitants of the region. “I think she’s a mother defending her young. Against what, I don’t know, ”says Mathilde.

Everyone agrees on one point: “This is neither positive nor negative. This is just how it is in nature. And that was precisely the goal of author Ronan Donovan, who defines wildlife documentary photographer as follows: “To capture inherently honest photos of his subjects. “A priori, it is successful.

Martin Leduc


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