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Trans Photographic Press : Martin Becka : Fort de Saint Cyr


Release by Trans Photographic Press of Fort de Saint Cyr by Martin Becka.

Martin Becka is a specialist and expert in pioneering photography techniques, notably that of Gustave LE GRAY: the dry waxed paper negative (1851). This set of images is the result of a commission from the Médiathèque du Patrimoine et de la Photographie: to give carte blanche to photograph the place where incunable works of heritage have been kept since the origin of photography. He thus produced images in the 20 x 25 cm chamber, on light weight laid paper negative. The positive images are palladium contact prints, some are mixed with other pigment techniques such as gum dichromate.


Martin Becka : Fort de Saint Cyr
Trans Photographic Press
Texts: Anne Cook, Gilles Désiré dit Gosset, Martin Becka
Hardcover, cloth book
100 pages, 24 x 30 cm French format,
108 photographs printed in two-color and four-color
Canvas cover, printed and hot stamped.
ISBN 979-10-90371-67-5

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