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The Questionnaire : Mathieu & Miles Bitton by Carole Schmitz


Mathieu & Miles Bitton : Like Father, Like Son… or Almost!

An internationally renowned photographer, Mathieu Bitton’s lens captures far more than just images; it reveals the soul of his subjects. Over the decades, he has established himself as an influential artist, effortlessly navigating between photography, graphic design, and artistic direction. His ability to capture intimate and authentic moments, often in black and white, gives his work an emotional depth that resonates with viewers. His collaborations with icons of music, cinema, and fashion have earned him international recognition, making him not only a privileged witness to contemporary culture but also a key player in shaping it.

This passion has also been passed down to his son, Miles, who in recent years has followed in his father’s footsteps and is already showing great promise. An emerging photographer, Miles has not only inherited a sharp eye for composition but also a unique sensitivity that is reflected in his work. His photographs, often marked by a raw and intimate aesthetic, capture fleeting moments with a depth that betrays a rare artistic maturity. Through his lens, Miles explores themes such as identity, youth, and contemporary culture, bringing a fresh and authentic perspective to the modern photography landscape.

Today, father and son came together for our Questionnaire to share a unique vision, a fusion of experience and youth, heritage and innovation.



Mathieu Bitton is currently working on his upcoming book “Paris Blues,” set to be published by teNeues in late October 2024. He is also preparing a new exhibition on the same theme at the Leica Meatpacking Gallery from November 7 to December 30, 2024.

Meanwhile, Miles has recently exhibited some of his work at the Studio CT Gallery in Agoura Hills, California: He also directed a music video: Finally, he produced, co-wrote, and edited an animated short film:

Websites: /
Instagram: @candytman / @milesbittonphoto


Your first photographic trigger ?

Mathieu Bitton : Jean-Paul Belmondo movie posters.

Miles Bitton : My father constantly had a point and shoot film camera on hand when we were growing up.


The man or woman of image who inspires you?

Mathieu Bitton : Gordon Parks.

Miles Bitton : Francis Wolff.


The image you would have liked to take?

Mathieu Bitton : Photomat, Richard Avedon, photographer, with James Baldwin, writer, New York, September 1, 1964.

Miles Bitton : Neil Leifer’s birds-eye-view photo of Muhammad Ali’s victory over Cleveland Williams (1966).


The one that moved you the most?

Mathieu Bitton : Gordon Parks – Outside Looking In (1956).

Miles Bitton : A family photograph of my maternal grandfather, whom I never met, in which he bears a shocking resemblance to my younger brother.


And the one that made you angry?

Mathieu Bitton : Eddie Adams – Saigon Execution (1969).

Miles Bitton : Anything AI generated, but presented as an actual photograph.


A key image in your personal pantheon?

Mathieu Bitton : “Gonzo Liberation” 2012, from Paris Blues.

Miles Bitton : Vicente Archer at the Blue Note Jazz Club in NYC.


A photographic memory from your childhood?

Mathieu Bitton : My father dressed as Groucho Marx and my mother as Marlena Dietrich.

Miles Bitton : Traveling to Catalina island with a waterproof disposable camera, and then losing it.


According to you, what is the necessary quality to be a good photographer? 

Mathieu Bitton : Invisibility.

Miles Bitton : Patience.


The secret of the perfect image, if it exists?

Mathieu Bitton : Manual focus and if you think about the image you’re trying to get it’s already too late.

Miles Bitton : Luck.


The person you would like to photograph?

Mathieu Bitton : A strong tie between Mel Brooks and Woody Allen.

Miles Bitton : Patrick Süskind.


An indispensable photo book?

Mathieu Bitton : East 100th Street by Bruce Davidson.

Miles Bitton : Irving Penn – Small Trades.


The camera of your childhood?

Mathieu Bitton : Silver Leicaflex SL given to me by my godfather Gérard Darel.

Miles Bitton : Kodak Sport Underwater Single-Use 35mm.


The one you use today?

Mathieu Bitton : Leica M11 monochrom is my favorite but I use many Leicas.

Miles Bitton : Leica SL Typ 601.


How would you describe your creative process?

Mathieu Bitton : Unending focused compulsive obsession.

Miles Bitton : Erratic and insecure.


An upcoming project that’s close to your heart?

Mathieu Bitton : The “Paris Blues” coffee table book.

Miles Bitton : My first two music videos.


Your favorite drug?

Mathieu Bitton : Black paint Leica cameras.

Miles Bitton : Weed.


The best way to disconnect for you ?

Mathieu Bitton : Listen to Hans Zimmer’s “Interstellar” soundtrack in the sky and shutting of social media and reading “The Cosmic Connection” by Carl Sagan.

Miles Bitton : Driving after 1am.


What is your relationship with the image ?

Mathieu Bitton : Image is my mistress.

Miles Bitton : We’re never good enough for each other.


Who would you like to be photographed by ?

Mathieu Bitton : Weegee.

Miles Bitton : Jack White.


How would you describe your personality?

Mathieu Bitton : Funny but determined.

Miles Bitton : Gentle.


Your latest folly?

Mathieu Bitton : old turquoise Zuni ring I bought today in Santa Fe.

Miles Bitton : I accidentally broke my friend’s glass mixing bowl.


An image to illustrate a new banknote?

Mathieu Bitton : Einstein sticking his tongue out by Arthur Sasse, on March 14, 1951, Einstein’s 72nd birthday.

Miles Bitton : Gordon Parks – American Gothic (1942).


The job you would not have liked to do ?

Mathieu Bitton : Donald Trump’s personal photographer.

Miles Bitton : Cop.


Your greatest professional extravagance?

Mathieu Bitton : My Leica camera collection

Miles Bitton : Leica Cameras.


What question gets you off track?

Mathieu Bitton : “Can you please ask (Lenny, Dave…) if….”

Miles Bitton : What do you do for work?


The city, the country or the culture you dream of discovering?

Mathieu Bitton : Egypt. The birthplace of my parents and grandparents.

Miles Bitton : Since I was little, I’ve wanted to go to Japan.


The place you never get tired of ?

Mathieu Bitton : Tokyo.

Miles Bitton : The Studio City Hills.


Your biggest regret ?

Mathieu Bitton : Not being a professional photographer earlier in life.

Miles Bitton : I honestly cannot think of any.


In terms of social networks, are you more into Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok or Snapchat and why?

Mathieu Bitton : Instagram because you don’t have to interact with others if you don’t want to.

Miles Bitton : I’ve deleted everything but Instagram, because I have to use it for work. If I could delete it, I would.


Color or B&W?

Mathieu Bitton : B&W.

Miles Bitton : Color.


Daylight or artificial light?

Mathieu Bitton : Daylight.

Miles Bitton : Daylight.


Which city do you think is the most photogenic?

Mathieu Bitton : Paris.

Miles Bitton : Florence, Italy.


If God existed would you ask him to pose for you, or would you opt for a selfie with him? 

Mathieu Bitton : Pose naked walking on water.

Miles Bitton : I’d try to get a candid shot, but seeing as he’s all-knowing, he’d probably strike a pose.


If I could organize your ideal dinner party, who would be at the table?

Mathieu Bitton : Duchamp, Dali, Gainsbourg, Cocteau, Prince, Joni Mitchell, Man Ray, Tupac, Brel and Sagan.

Miles Bitton : Kadhja Bonet, Labi Siffre, Bruiser Wolf, Spellling, Noah Hawley, Nathan Fielder, Genndy Tartakovsky, and Hayao Miyazaki.


The image that represents for you the current state of the world?

Mathieu Bitton : Sammy Davis Jr looking out a Manhattan window, 1959 By Burt Glinn.

Miles Bitton : Weegee – Afternoon Crowd at Coney Island (1940).


What is missing in today’s world? 

Mathieu Bitton : Prince.

Miles Bitton : Bill Withers.


If you had to start all over again?

Mathieu Bitton : I would take piano and painting lessons from the time I was 2 years old.

Miles Bitton : I’d do it all the same but make sure my dad teaches me French.


What do you like people to say about you?

Mathieu Bitton : “I knew that was his photo”.

Miles Bitton : I’m kind.


The one thing you absolutely must know about yourself?

Mathieu Bitton : That I am living a powerful dream.

Miles Bitton : I don’t like to speak unless something needs to be said.


A last word?

Mathieu Bitton : Next!

Miles Bitton : Flambée.

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