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The Questionnaire : Christian Angerer by Carole Schmitz


Christian Angerer : Black & White is deeper !

Internationally renowned portrait photographer Christian Angerer has been working in the media industry since 1985. Passionate about cinematic photography, he excels in both black and white and color. His goal is to capture the essence of his subjects and reveal the story behind each image, whether they are celebrities or ordinary people.

Christian’s photographs stand out for their storytelling quality, transcending mere snapshots. He masterfully combines creativity, beauty, grace, and reality, a rare talent in the age of billions of Instagram photos.

Christian Angerer’s work has been recognized multiple times on the international stage, including accolades such as the Cannes Lions and the ADC Award. His photos, rich in fascinating details, captivate and move viewers, bringing a purity of life and emotion to each shot.


Website :
Instagram : christianangererhuckleberry


The picture you wish you had taken?
Christian Angerer : Definitely still to come.

The picture that moved you the most?
Christian Angerer : Definitely coming.

And the one that made you angry?
Christian Angerer : Pictures don’t make me angry. Circumstances, if need be. I try to avoid anger. Anger makes you think the wrong way and triggers unpleasant emotions.

Which photo has changed the world?
Christian Angerer : Photos are always something personal. What moves one person to tears makes others laugh.

And which photo has changed your world?
Christian Angerer : There are so many breathtaking, beautiful, funny, smug, poignant photos around the world. I look forward to new inspiration every day.

What interests you most in a picture?
Christian Angerer : The composition, the mood, the moment, the charisma, that certain something, the look, the storytelling.

In your opinion, what is the necessary quality to be a good photographer?
Christian Angerer : Be awake. Discover things. Be open. Move around. Work on yourself every day. Produce only with the best people/team. Seek new perspectives. Tell stories. Master your tools in your sleep.

What makes a good photo?
Christian Angerer : It has to captivate you.

The person you would like to photograph?
Christian Angerer : I like to photograph a wrinkled, laughing grandma with her toothless husband in a bistro in Paris with a glass of red wine just as much as a Hollywood star or politician, as long as she or he is interesting. But I prefer to photograph women. Women have a lot of advantages over men. On the one hand, they are charming beings who can show more emotions. They are magical, strong, brave and vulnerable at the same time. To come back to your question, if I could choose one person to photograph – probably Jesus. Why? Because I would be the first to take pictures of Jesus (laughs). To capture the inconceivable benevolence in pictures and to be able to tell a story about it would be a great gift for me.

The camera from your childhood?
Christian Angerer : My eyes.

The one you use today?
Christian Angerer : Four Sony A1s and all GM lenses. I have them all with me on set.

How do you choose your projects?
Christian Angerer : If it’s interesting and fun. A good team and storytelling play an important role. Money is secondary.

How would you describe your creative process?
Christian Angerer : I work on the photo shoots like a movie. Synopsis. Storyboards, scribbles with appropriate props, locations, clothing. I am involved in all processes.

An upcoming project that is particularly close to your heart?
Christian Angerer : This year I’ll be in Munich for 4 weeks, Barcelona for a week, a few days in Paris, Rome, Venice, Essen, Mallorca, Formentera, 3 weeks in New York and then 2.5 months in Cape Town. I’m looking forward to all the projects like a little kid.

Your favorite drug?
Christian Angerer : Nature. Nothing fascinates me more than nature.
It’s also the thought of a new idea. Goethe wrote in Faust: “From heaven he demands the most beautiful stars. And from the earth every highest pleasure. And all nearness and all distance does not satisfy the deeply moved breast.

What is the best way to switch off?
Christian Angerer : Sleep. I’ve been doing autogenic training for a long time. And I can sleep and meditate anywhere.

What is your relationship to the image?
Christian Angerer : As Creative Director of a global network, I see thousands of things in images. The most important thing is the look that is required.

Who would you like to be photographed by?
Christian Angerer : I don’t like being photographed because I’m not photogenic and always look like shit in pictures.

Your latest craze?
Christian Angerer : Last week we had a hot air balloon and the models were suspended 7 meters above the ground. We tried to catch a Boing in front of an airport. The week before last we came out of a hotel reception with a horse.

A picture to illustrate a new banknote?
Christian Angerer : Banknotes should be beautiful. They should remind everyone of beautiful and great things. Because we have these pictures in our hands every day. The euro is ugly as hell. The dollar is still cool. Take a look at the Fiji’s seven-dollar bill, or the franc bill, Switzerland, five-dollar bill, New Zealand, 50-dollar bill, Trinidad and Tobago, 1000-peso bill from Argentina, and so on. Why does Europe, with its wonderful old culture, have to have such ugly banknotes?

The job you wouldn’t like to do?
Christian Angerer : There are thousands of jobs I wouldn’t like to do.

Your greatest professional extravagance?
Christian Angerer : I am – and I am infinitely grateful for this – in a position today to be able to choose my jobs. If I don’t like something, then I don’t do it.

What was the last thing you did for the first time?
Christian Angerer : I try something new every day? Just last night I finally managed to get two free-living cats to eat peacefully next to each other. It took a long time.

The city, country or culture you really want to get to know?
Christian Angerer : Everything that I haven’t seen yet and that is exciting. Although I clearly prefer warm regions.

The place you can never get enough of?
Christian Angerer : Venice, Formentera, Cape Town, New York, Paris….

Your biggest regret?
Christian Angerer : That we have so many fools in government who only care about their personal well-being and staying in power instead of us citizens, the people who elected them.

When it comes to social networks, are you more on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok or Snapchat and why?
Christian Angerer : I am not privately represented on any portal. Why should I post anything private? That’s only of interest to friends and family. I’ve been posting my photos on Instagram for about 2.5 years. They’re automatically posted on Facebook. But I never look at Facebook.

Color or black and white?
Christian Angerer : I love black and white. My viewer is set to black and white. It allows me to see the composition and structure of the image. Black and white goes more under the surface, is deeper. I love color. I edit my color grading like in a film. Very elaborate and cinematic. Depending on what is stronger, I publish it. Sometimes both.

Daylight or Studio light?
Christian Angerer : Daylight.

In your opinion, which city is the most photogenic?
Christian Angerer : Cape Town, New York.

If God existed, would you ask him to pose for you or would you opt for a selfie with him?
Christian Angerer : I do cinematic photography. I never pose on set. I think that’s stupid with models and wouldn’t want anyone else to do it. I generally don’t take selfies. If I were to meet God professionally, it would start like this. Let’s build a new planet. He knows about it and we only let people on it who love, appreciate and honor it from the start. Idiots are forbidden.
And so are mosquitoes.

If I could organize your ideal dinner party, who would be at the table?
Christian Angerer : God and people who are great to talk to and laugh with.

The image that represents the current state of the world for you?
Christian Angerer : There is no such thing.

What do you think is missing in today’s world?
Christian Angerer : Decency and respect.

If you had to start all over again?
Christian Angerer : I started out as a DJ. I worked as a DJ in the legendary rock club Sugar Shack, where David Bowie, Freddy Mercury, etc. were regulars. I was a radio presenter and had a pirate rock station for umpteen years. Did interviews with David Bowie, Tom Petty, etc. Produced about 1,700 video clips in the 80s/90s. Operated the legendary WESTPARK STUDIOS and was allowed to work with thousands of speakers, actors and musicians. Had a movie theater with one of the tastiest restaurants and the longest bar in Munich. I am the founder and CEO of HUCKLEBERRY FRIENDS AG – worldwide creative network. I started with cinematic photography two and a half years ago.
I would have liked to have started much earlier, but I don’t know what would have come out of it.

What do you want people to say about you?
Christian Angerer : I don’t care what people say about me.

What do we absolutely need to know about you?
Christian Angerer : Nothing about me personally. I’m happy if you like my work.

Any last words?
Christian Angerer : That was a lot of questions. I’m going to have breakfast at my favorite café around the corner.

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