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The New Eye of Photography has arrived


Finally ! Here is our new website! We’ve been working on it for months. Delays and disappointments were for a time our most faithful companions. Fortunately, there is a great team: Jonas, Orsolya, Lucile, Arthur, Sylvie, Didier, Simon, Maxime, Orly, Julie and all the international correspondents who feed The Eye of Photography every day!

Here is the new website. There are nevertheless some imperfections to correct, but now it is your comments that we await! Our mobile app will follow in a month. Thank you again for your donations and our patrons: you have now seen for several days the result of your support!

Another formidable thing: you will no longer see on the home page my hideous portrait that a facetious bug did not allow to disappear. Pardon again!


Jean-Jacques Naudet

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