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The European Press Review


You’ll find many pictures of the protests in Hong Kong, and I believe any struggle against an abusive power should be supported. It’s easy for me to say that from the comfort of France, but in China the famously peaceful Uighur activists can face life sentences in prison… Let us hope that their umbrellas won’t have to be used as shields. Remember 1989, Tiananmen.

Sorry ladies! George just got married to the niece of Ziad Takieddine. (This is me gossiping.) 

The “best of the best” are women like any other, but we’ve known that since Mère Denis. Stella McCartney wants you to be fragile while Maryam al-Mansouri bombs the Islamic State. 

And rien ne va plus for our English friends: their sex organs are on the nightstand.

Inanimate objects, do you have a soul? – Alphonse de Lamartine

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