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The 2024 Photographic Promenades of Daoulas


It’s a small town in the westernmost department of France, Finistère. Located a few kilometers from Brest, Daoulas has preserved its old 13th-century stones. Each year, the town hosts an exhibition open to the world.

This year, Japan is in the spotlight with the exhibition “From Samurais to Kawaii,” which showcases the influences and cultural exchanges between the West and the Land of the Rising Sun through history. And while the Daoulas Abbey is known for its remarkable architecture, its botanical gardens are also a major site for photographic presence in the region.


Françoise Huguier: Japan in Focus

During her career as a photographer, Françoise Huguier visited Japan several times in the 1980s with the intention of reclaiming what she saw. “Taking photos is above all about knowing how to talk to people,” explains Françoise Huguier.

Thus, the bodies of the people she encounters are staged, like this fully tattooed man posing nude next to his bicycle. Among all the strangers she has met throughout her photography career, she has never faced a refusal. Her photographs exude a certain charm, a form of magic.


Hans Sylvester’s Poetic Japan

The photographs of German artist Hans Sylvester punctuate the Daoulas area. They were taken in the 1960s, in a Japan undergoing transformation, yet distant from the pop colors emerging at the end of that decade. Street scenes and Japanese traditions are captured with a detached gaze that is felt in the choice of compositions. Hans Sylvester’s photos invite contemplation and blend wonderfully with this nature-open setting.


The Photographic Walks of Daoulas
An outdoor journey until December 1
29460 Daoulas

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