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The 10 most beautiful photos to see at La Gacilly-Baden festival


Until October 13, around thirty photographers are exhibited in the streets of Baden in Austria during the La Gacilly-Baden festival. The photographs are presented around the theme of preserving the environment and celebrating its beauty. Discover our ten favorite photographs from The Eye of Photography. Please note, our selection is obviously 100% subjective!

David Turnley, Anna and Flander
In 1978, after finishing his studies, David Turnley met a farming couple, Anna and Flander, whose farm was an hour from Detroit. For two years, the American photographer visited them and spent many hours with them. An authentic documentary series.

David Doubilet
David Doubilet and Jennifer Hayes, his work and everyday life companion, have been exploring the seabed for many years for National Geographic. They photographed pure moments of poetry like this woman surrounded by a school of barracudas in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea. They have also documented the impacts of global warming on the oceans such as coral bleaching.

Lorraine Turci, Life of Trawl
Lorraine Turci boarded a trawler in Morbihan to document life on board for her crew. Short night’s sleep, precise gesture, awakening of the sea: the photographer captures the multiple details of the daily life of these men of the sea.

Nazli Abbaspour, Ghost of memory
Like a bridge between the past and the present, Nazli Abbaspour’s photographs are timeless. In this series exhibited at the La Gacilly-Baden festival, the photographer works on old family photos. The butterflies added to the photomontage represent the ghosts of the past.

Pascal Maître, Metropolis
Pascal Maître is a photojournalist and has, during his career, visited many cities. Metropolises are at the heart of this series, Metropolis, where photos taken in cities in Africa that are constantly expanding are exhibited. This photograph, taken in 2016 in a poor neighborhood of Antananarivo in Madagascar, shows a street without public lighting. Here, a street vendor offers hot dishes. It is difficult to survive in the capital, one of the poorest cities in the world.

Maxime Riché, Paradise
In 2018, part of California was on fire, then this was the case again in 2021. Maxime Riché went to the site, to the town of Paradise, destroyed by the flames. 1,300 houses burned and firefighters died in the line of duty. In an aesthetic reminiscent of the color of fire, Maxime Riché documented the reconstruction of Paradise and the daily lives of its inhabitants.

Beth Moon, Heart of the Dragon
For more than 20 years, Beth Moon has traveled the world in search of extraordinary trees. It took root in Yemen, in the Socotra off the Horn of Africa nature reserve.

Cassio Vasconcellos, Over
This photograph is not real: it is a montage of a series of photographs taken by photographer Cassio Vasconcellos. Passionate about aviation, he took numerous aerial photographs in Brazil, which he then combined with photos of landfills taken in São Paulo. As for the downed planes in his photos, they have not flown for a long time and lie in plane graveyards. In this series of photographs, Cassio Vasconcellos modifies reality to challenge us about our consumption patterns.

Sacha Goldberger, Extra Not So Terrestrial
In a very cinematic style, Sacha Goldberger revisits the myth of Roswell in his own way.
In 1949, a farmer found unidentified debris which was the subject of much speculation. “Could this be the trace of a passage on earth by extraterrestrials? » some ask. Through this series, Sacha Goldberger imagines scenes of encounters between an extraterrestrial and humans in a 1950s setting. This series questions our relationship to others and to difference.

Alain Schroeder, Saving the orangutans
Orangutans are our closest cousins, we share 97% of our DNA with them. Threatened by deforestation, pollution and the expansion of cities, orangutans are an endangered species. Alain Schroeder followed the work of those who are mobilizing to save this species from extinction.

During the festival, three prizes were awarded during the photography night at the Paradisio cinema in Baden. For their entire careers, Jennifer Hayes and David Doubilet received the Hans Hass Prize, named after the pioneer of underwater photography. Elisabeth Steinkellner, writer, received the Thomas Jarda Prize, Austrian photographer who died in 2018. As for Martin Parr, he received the Lammerhuber Prize for all of his photographic work.

Laurine Varnier


Le Festival photo de La Gacilly-Baden
From June 13 to October 13, 2024

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