The series Passato Prossimo, Chiavenna, Italie 2000-2011 and On the block de Susanna Pozzoli were selected by Gabriel Bauret (Curator) during portfolio review at the Gaite Lyrique on the 15 and 16 November 2014.
Passato Prossimo (Near Past) is a multimedia project and installation consisting of photographs of an abandoned factory (taken between 2000 and 2011), old family photos, videos and sound pieces. This work focuses on the history of my northern Italian family in a small village called Chiavenna. This work questions the relationship between the work of life and family which, from 1875 to 1992, regulated the relations in a family of entrepreneurs in a small town north of Lombardy. The Pozzoli family, like many others in Italy, founded and managed a small business for generations. The change of systems of production began in the 1990s, which upset their businesses and which were often sold to more powerful groups.
Read the full article in the French version of L’Oeil.