The Stephen Daiter gallery in Chicago hosts photographer Susan Meiselas for a book signin session of her latest book, Nicarague ’78 -’79. This book traces the history of the militants of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), and more broadly of the people, against the dictatorship of Anastasio Samoza, then president in Nicaragua. Member of Magnum Photos, Susan Meiselas was one of the only photojournalists to cover the event.
She said in this book: “When the Nicaraguans, after a long secession, have reunited with shared hopes and a past which they hoped might form the basis of their future, it was the end of a period of struggle . It had caused 50,000 victims, completely devastated cities and left an economy in ruins. However, the time was not for celebrations, nor for celebration. On the evening of July 19th, I was confused as to what role I could play. I had spent so much time traveling, getting closer, being there, by their side, that I was beginning to realize that during this experience I was slowly breaking with my own country while realizing That I had found a new one. But on that day, July 19, I realized that it was their victory, not mine. I had pictures, they had a revolution. ”
Signature of Susan Meiselas
For his book Nicaragua ’78 -’79
Stephen Daiter Gallery – 5pm – 8pm
230 W. Superior Street, 4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60654