The 7th volume of the magazine OFF the wall – cultures photo is out now. This young independent publication will be in Arles all week inviting visitors to get to know the artists featured in this year’s edition. L’Oeil has teamed up with OFF the wall to offer its readers a chance to pick up a copy of the latest issue for free.*
Today we’re publishing a selection of photographs from the latest issue, with photographs by Alexis Vettoretti, Mo Yi and students of the ENSP.
Last year, OFF the wall held an inaugural exhibition in the newly renovated Parc des Ateliers, thanks to the Fondation Luma. This year, the Manuel Riviera-Ortiz foundation is hosting the magazine at the Hôtel Blain while it continues its creative partnership with the printer Framology. Discover the photographs published in the magazine and shot by the graduating class of a selection of international schools, including the ENSP.