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Sebastien Van Malleghem wins the Prix Lucas Dolega 2015


Sébastien Van Malleghem, a Belgian photoreporter, is the winner of the 4th edition of the Lucas Dolega photography Award, with his report “Prisons”.

Sébastien Van Malleghem received a 10.000 euros endowment by Olympus. His report will be exhibited in Paris and published in the Reporters without borders album.


From a pool of 132 submissions from across the globe,thejurors chose this outstanding long term work for recognition. We very much want to thank the jurors for supporting this project.

– Molly Benn, Editor in chief, Our Age Is Thirteen webmagazine
– Maureen Auriol, Chief photo editor, Marianne magazine
– Marie Pierre Subtil, Editor in Chief, Revue 6 Mois
– Cathy Rémy, Deputy photo director, M, le Monde magazine
– Magali Jauffret, Journalist, Critic, Author, ex-member of the acquisition commission of the Contemporary Art National Fund.
– Arnaud Gaucher, Chief of photo product, Olympus France, Olympus representative.
– Patrick Klugman, Deputy Mayor, in charge of International Relations and Francophonie, Mairie de Paris representative.
– Martin Bureau, Photoreporter, Agence France Presse
– Bruno Amsellem, Photoreporter, Signatures.
– Christophe Deloire, Director General of Reporters sans frontières, RSF representative

– Jorge Alvarez, Photographer and vice-president of the SAIF, SAIF representative
– Patrick Roche, President of the UPP, UPP representative
– Benoit Leprince, Editor in chief of the iPad edition, Paris Match.

Chaired by Yan Morvan, photoreporter.

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