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Sacha Goldberger : Bad Ass Ginger


Bad Ass Ginger : An Epic in Four Acts 

With “Bad Ass Ginger”, Sacha Goldberger, a French photographer renowned for his bold visual creations, immerses us in a universe where the art of photography meets cinematic storytelling.

This striking and unique photo series explores the theme of dual personalities and alter egos through sophisticated staging that combines retro aesthetics with modernity and a touch of surrealism.

The concept for “Bad Ass Ginger” stems from the desire to tell a complex story, not through a simple juxtaposition of images but through a series of interconnected scenes, each representing a different perspective on the same situation. Inspired by altarpieces and cinematic découpage, Sacha Goldberger divides the action into four distinct tableaux, providing the viewer with a comprehensive experience of a rich and detailed visual narrative.

The storyline of this series rivals the best film noirs: three red-haired young women, after a heist gone wrong, find themselves trapped in a motel with a kidnapped policeman. The fourth character, their pimp, escapes with the stolen money, leaving the heroines facing a deadly dilemma. Each tableau captures a pivotal moment in this gripping story, akin to a cinematic scene frozen in time.

Employing a unique narrative approach, Sacha does not capture a scene from a single angle but deconstructs it into multiple perspectives. In one tableau, a policeman aims at the motel where a young woman, armed with a shotgun, is ready for anything. In the policeman’s car, details enrich the story: a forgotten Playboy, scattered donuts, a red-haired woman trying to free herself from handcuffs, and a trunk overflowing with money. In the background, the pimp escapes into the desert, leaving behind orchestrated chaos.

This approach allows the photographer to explore every detail of the plot, with each image carefully composed to function both as a standalone work of art and as a piece of a larger puzzle. The masterful use of light, color, and period costumes enhances immersion into this 1970s-inspired American setting, with nods to cult cinema such as Thelma & Louise and Jackie Brown.

“Bad Ass Ginger” is not just a series of photographs; it is a true cinematic experience in still images. Drawing on cinematic techniques, Sacha has managed to create a world where every detail matters, where each character tells a story, and where the viewer is invited to reconstruct the narrative piece by piece. This series perfectly illustrates the photographer’s ability to transcend traditional photography boundaries to create a work that blends visual art and storytelling, all while maintaining a powerful and distinctive visual aesthetic.

With “Bad Ass Ginger”, Sacha Goldberger once again proves that the art of photography can rival cinema in its ability to tell complex and captivating stories, offering a personal and inimitable vision of the world around us.

Carole Schmitz

Instagram: sachagoldberger

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