The series by
s.m. dyer (Suz Dyer) was selected by
Dave Shelley, Creative Producer,
United Photo Industries and
Corinne Tapia, Gallery Director,
Sous Les Etoiles, during portfolios reviews organized by
The New York Chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP NY) on February 18th, 2015, in New York.
To Shroud: To cover for protection, to veil under another appearance, something that covers, screens or guards.
September 11 changed everything. Immediately following the attack, in order to avoid the issues on the subways, I began walking into the city from my home in Brooklyn. This simple act started my love affair with the Brooklyn Bridge. Over the past two summers, the bridge looked like something Christo had imagined, tarped as it received a long overdue facelift. I became obsessed with this canvas and the secrets that it concealed. I photographed through it to reveal the city beyond, and to make beautiful the equipment that was to transform My Bridge. I was there to catch the sun as it cast shadows, and at night, as the lights of the city illuminated the shroud. I welcomed the graffiti randomly scrawled across it. I came to understand, that while a shroud keeps secrets, it reveals just as many.