I adopt a conceptual narrative of photography and use this medium to create works that represent and communicate my deepest feeling.
These images are not inserted in a chronological order in the research to which they belong, but each of them has a value in itself and wants to enunciate what are the guiding principles of my works that make up my entire production and that refer to the emotion of my personal approach to the subject.
I pursue naturalism as a style able to reflect immediately the very meaning of our life, as a style deeply true, more faithful to reality than any imitation. In fact nor it has only truth, but it is the truth.
So I’m looking for truth as the harmony out of which there is no beauty.
In this series of images, I try to capture the substantial form of the body by exploring its physical and anathomical configuration without leaving out the particular postures that depend from the body movements.
The figure “jumps” from the blank sheet without edges or little recognizable trying to convey the principle of movement to the observer.
What we see in the images presented are really the moments that escape, captured by the photographic medium, which contain the whole, their fate; moments that, as they always have something impenetrable, incomprehensible in their deepest meaning, are something that comes to us or we can follow up.