An Ode to Weakness
Anders Petersen, Les nuits folles d’Anders Petersen (2’16’’)
« It’s a good thing to show people how they are »
For the Swedish photographer Anders Petersen, the night is about encounters, intoxication, love and violence. His work has changed dramatically since the beginning of his career. Petersen thinks that photographers should be curious, but also timid, weak, frightened and a little bit crazy. A retrospective of Petersen’s work was held at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in 2014.
Aude Laporte
Rien à voir (saison 2, épisode 4) : Douze photographes racontent la photo qu’ils n’ont pas prise.
Enregistrements : 11 novembre 13
Mise en ondes & mix : Samuel Hirsch
Réalisation : Aude Laporte