The community of Madrid awarded its prize of culture (photographic category) to Ricardo Cases. Granted for his series Paloma el Aire, the Spanish photographer follows Joan Fontcuberta, Cristina Garcia Rodero or Chema Madoz as winner. He won a prize of 18,000 euros, which will help him finance future projects.
Graduated from information science, Ricardo Cases lives in Madrid and Valencia. A member of the collective Blank Paper in Madrid, his series La caza del lobo congelado or Beauty Barrio propelled him as one of the most inventive Spanish photographers these past years.
His last project, Paloma el Aire tells the story of a man’s fascination with pigeon sports, which many Spanish are used to bet on. The work of Cases could be described as photographic anthropology, the image tending to analyze this sporting practice from the cultural, societal, physical and symbolic points of view.
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