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Radius Books : Debi Cornwall : Model Citizens


Debi Cornwall: Model Citizens considers the United States as a case study of a global phenomenon: How have staging, performance, and roleplay come to inform thinking about citizenship in a violent land whose people no longer agree on what is true? The last in a trilogy of books on the American condition, Model Citizens includes photographs from US Border Patrol Academy training scenarios, “Save America” rallies, and history museums. Jarringly juxtaposed images from these apparently unrelated sites illuminate systems that reconcile, justify, or distract from the harsh realities of life in a polarized, militarized society. The design accentuates uncontrolled sliding: images flow across French-fold pages, just as Cornwall’s practice questions the role of documentary photography in an era of splintered realities.


Debi Cornwall : Model Citizens
Radius Books
Texts by Nathalie Herschdorfer, Kris Paulsen, and Vanessa Codaccioni
Hardcover / 9 x 12 inches
214 pages / 81 images
ISBN:   9798890180957

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