The French-based association Profession Photographie invites this Wednesday April 26th the Parisian-based laboratory Picto! Created in 1950, Picto is recognized in the profession as one of the most successful laboratories in Europe. Numerous collaborations with the press, fashion magazimes, museum institutions or simply artists have contributed to his knowledge.
The discussion will bring Philippe Gassmann (Directeur général de Picto) and Vincent Marcilhacy (directeur de The Eyes), debate with Clara Bastid (Profession Photographie). Among the questions asked, the exchange promises: “How do we recognize a good photograph ? Who are the personalities in the laboratory? What adaptations have been necessary to remain a leader in a sector that is facing major changes ? ”
Profession Photography invites Picto: history and stakes of the mythical laboratory
April 26, 2017 at 7:30pm
The Chata Gallery
30/34 rue du Chemin Vert,
75011 Paris