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Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation : 2024 Environmental Photography Prize


The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation reveals the winners of its 2024 Environmental Photography Prize.

The 2024 Environmental Photographer Prize was awarded to photographer Aaron Gekoski for the image See No Evil (Orangutans exploited by the tourism industry, Thailand, 2023).

Aaron Gekoski has traveled the world for more than fifteen years to report on humans’ complex relationship with wild animals, covering topics such as the illegal wildlife and pet trade, deforestation, marine conservation and wildlife tourism.

Aaron also won the prize in the “Actors of change, bearers of hope” category for his image “Substitute Rhinos” – Exercises of the “Cobras” protection unit, Zimbabwe, 2022.


Also rewarded:

Magnus Lundgren in the “Marine Worlds” category
Inner Space Hitchhicker
Sailboat argonaut aboard a jellyfish, Philippines, 2019

Jaime Rojo in the “In the heart of the forest” category
Explosion of Monarchs
Monarch butterflies in fir forests, Mexico, 2022

Daniel Valverde Fernández in the “Polar Wonders” category
Shaking off the snow
Polar bear in the blizzard, Canada, 2022

Fernando Faciole wins the Audience Award with Rainy Release
Release of a giant anteater, Brazil, 2023

Thomas Vijayan wins the high school student prize with Parenting Goals
Emperor penguin family, Antarctica, 2022


Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

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